When God is Our Focus Each Day, Hope for Life is Abundant

When God is Our Focus Each Day, Hope for Life is Abundant

God sees our every need. When we trust in Him, He provides all we need and more. This can give us great hope. Hope for today, as well as tomorrow. Hope that we will never go without. God keeps His promises. There is never a shortage when we have faith in Him. However, the simplicity of this reality has been contorted by the hurried world we live in. The reality we typically live in is one that says if we are not doing all we can to help ourselves then we deserve nothing. We have been called to trust in God and obey Him. When we do this we never have to worry about a thing. We can live more calmly and not worry that we are missing out on anything. In fact when we place our focus on being with God, which builds our trust in Him because we get to know Him more intimately, it is hard to have much time for selfish ambition. We are too preoccupied with His glory. Through bringing Him glory He is and will take care of us and the desires of our hearts. We must stop being so consumed with meeting our own everyday human concerns and place that time onto Him. This way of living will unlock a life filled with unimaginable hope. The kind of hope that is required to have God sized plans, hopes, dreams and wishes come to fruition.

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:30-33 NIV

Getting caught up with our own ambitions can be dangerous. The danger lies in losing focus on what is most important. Our relationship with God is the most important aspect of the lives we lead in this world. This is why worrying about tomorrow is futile. Today has enough to be concerned with. When we are truly invested in our relationship with Christ, today requires all our attention. However, when we get carried away with ambition it is easy to get distracted with the future, making today a means to an end. Oftentimes we lose our hopefulness and vigor for life, because the monotony of striving for the future gets the better of us. Today is so much more than a means to an end, it is everything. Today is the key to our future. It sets the tempo of our lives. Thus, we wonder when we are rife with worry, anxiety, fear, and all the host of emotions that can plague us, where did we go wrong? The answer is always in today. When we set our attention on today, and what God is trying to teach and show us, we will be better prepared for tomorrow. We must learn and take on each challenge of life that we will surely face, one day at a time. This training from God we can only get from today.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34 NIV

A Story of Relinquishing Ambition:

It is one of the hardest aspects of life to feel relegated to something I did not envision for myself. When I was in college I had grand plans of changing the world. I thought becoming an international lawyer would be the most advantageous and prestigious way to accomplish that. However, looking back now, almost 15 years later, I realize much of that plan was about me and not about others.

I have been blessed to do many things in my life. I was a part of a world impacting organization for over 8 years. That part of my life came to an end and I felt paralyzed by that ending. My way to cope was to throw myself into anything I could. I found pride in overextending myself. I felt impressive to be striving for so much. Unfortunately, none of the things I did fulfilled me. They all just left me searching for what was next.

Recently I came to terms with relinquishing my need for ambition. I had to take into account what my ambition was for. I realized, although I do want to help others and glorify God, my ambition still had too much of me at the center of it. God has been forcing me to see that my life is not my own. It is borrowed, and until I am able to live for Him completely I cannot truly do for Him on this earth as He intends. I pray each day that I would focus on Him and our relationship so that tomorrow I am better prepared for whatever He puts in front of me.

- Anonymous

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Considerations for your planner:

  • How has your reality been formed? By the world or by God? Take a moment to write down what your reality looks like today.
  • Are you striving for your future or for the glory of God? Do you trust that He has your future in His hands? Take a moment to write down how you can better focus on today and not tomorrow.

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