How We Can Sustain Hope

How We Can Sustain Hope

It is with God that we are able to sustain everything in this life. He is the only one that can truly lighten our load each day. Going to God helps us recover our lives. Our energies can be restored and rejuvenated with Him. This is what is needed to maintain and even grow our hopefulness. When we walk with God we learn that we do not have to force things in this life. Instead we can live free from the pressures of the world. However, this kind of living can only be had when we remain with God. When we keep company with Him everyday. A good indication that we are not staying close to Him is when the world creeps in. The feelings of being worn out, overwhelmed and just an overall sense of heaviness consume our minds and state of being. Being with God is the only way to truly escape the burdens of the world we live in and remain hopeful for what is to come.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

Becoming aware of the difference between being at home in our bodies, ie the flesh, and being at home with the Lord is a fundamental skill to learning how to have continuous and constant hope in our lives. Having trust in what we cannot see is faith. It is what God wants so dearly for us to have. Knowing that He is with us in all things and that He will take care of us in all things is that trust we should all strive to have. Of course, the world would have us learn distrust in what we cannot see. This distrust is manufactured by fear and worry. When we cannot see the outcome our minds are left to fill in the gaps, to make sense of the space we are in. However, the outcome has never been our responsibility. Believing in Him and finding our home in Him is all the job He has given us. This is true obedience. Not needing to make sense of everything, but trusting that it will all work out. When we are with God it always does.

Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 NIV

A Story of Faith in the Unseen:

My husband and I and our two adult boys are relocating out of state. The Lord has called us out. We are taking a leap of faith. Not knowing where we’ll be fellowshipping, where we will live, where we’ll be working and the list could go on.

So as I start looking for places I don't know where to look. That’s when I ask Him, “what's your will? How do I pray in your will? How will I know where you want us to live?” As we apply for places, doors close. So I ask Him, “what do you want me to learn, is there a lesson in the madness?”

When I read a day at a time, and not to worry, it's a reminder. I will wait! He has been faithful and I know He’s a good Father and He gives good gifts to His children. I know He’s working even if I don't see it or feel it, like the song says. He’s working on our behalf! I know He will make room for us like He did for Abraham!

- Anonymous

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Considerations for your planner:

  • Do you feel heavy today? Take a moment to write out what is making you feel that way. Continue to give it to God and ask Him to help you to trust in Him and not your own ideas of what could happen.
  • Do you need to make sense of everything? Write down a time that worked out unlike how you expected. Remember this next time you feel consumed with needing to know the outcome of a difficult circumstance.

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