His Grace Meets Our Every Need

His Grace Meets Our Every Need

God is for us. He is ready and wants to help us. This is why we can have confidence in all the things we do with Him.

This is key. We must approach His throne of grace every moment of every day. It is only when we do all things with Him in the forefront of our minds that we can have overwhelming confidence in the path of our lives.

The verse just before this one talks about Christ and how He walked the earth. Knowing that Christ walked in our shoes can help us understand that we have someone who does not just sympathize with us but He actually empathizes with our circumstances. It is this knowledge that helps us to live in grace and receive God’s mercy.

We are in need more often than not. The sooner we are able to recognize our need for grace and mercy the more confident we can become in our walk. The world would isolate us and have us think we have to do life all on our own, but God is with us if only we are open to receiving Him.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • Do you struggle with giving yourself or others grace for being imperfect? Write down the areas of your life that it is difficult to give yourself grace.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Heavenly Father, Be with us today in our walk with You. Help us to put You at the front and center of each thing we do and say. Let us receive Your grace when we fall short. We need You to give us strength and confidence in this world. The world can be consuming, but we want to be consumed by You. Thank You for giving us Christ to cover our lives. We will remember this as we move through our days. Amen.

- Anonymous

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