Goal Setting in the New Year with Christian Planner

Goal Setting in the New Year with Christian Planner

With the start of the new year, many set goals that they want to achieve. Some complete them, and some stray away from them. We want you to be ready to set your goals for 2022 - so we are sharing some of our tips and tricks to goal setting as well as how the Christian Planner family uses the Christian Planner to successfully complete their goals. 

Here are some tips that we believe will help you in accomplishing your goals: 

  1. Know what makes a good goal. Use the SMART method.
  2. List out the obstacles that you feel will get in the way.
  3. Get others on board with your goals.
  4. Check in frequently.

Here are some examples of Christian Planner Family how the Christian Planner family uses the goals section of their planner:

| I write big goals and stepping stones to that goal.

| I use it for my big audacious goals for the year and how I am going to reach them.

| I write in what I want to accomplish daily and it pushes me to keep at it and to get that check mark.

| On the weekly goals lines I write tasks that don't need to be done on a specific day and some that carry over from the previous week that were unfinished. I also use it to keep track of my kids' chores, as I pay them per chore done, not a flat rate allowance. And the very bottom is where I put the cleaning zone we are in that week.

| I learned many years ago of the HUGE importance of writing down our goals... and the Harvard Study (among others) that showed the enormous benefits. So every year I get away for a weekend to spend time with God & write down the goals for the year, in the key areas of life: Spiritual, Ministry, Health, Financial, Relationships, Fun/Travel & Growth. Then I write them in my Planner & read them 4-5 times per week (as well as look at my Vision Board). Absolutely LOVE these pages of the Planner. It's AMAZING the impact these 2 habits have made in my life!! Thank you sooo much for including them in the Planner....Just 4 little pages... yet they have lifetime benefits.

See more ideas from the Christian Planner family here! 

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