Five Secrets Behind a Successful Vision Board

Five Secrets Behind a Successful Vision Board

By now, we hope you have some ideas to start creating your Vision Board. We know you have goals you want to meet and, you’re prayerful that your vision board will help you reach them. 

However, sometimes the vision board you created doesn’t help you like you thought it would. Maybe you think you did something wrong when you created it. 

The secret to a successful vision board isn’t just one thing. It’s several things combined.

christian vision board

For your vision board to work successfully for you, it should do one or more of the following. 

  1. Be specific to what you desire. Even though it can focus on several areas of your life, the most successful one focus on a specific goal or a specific area of your life; so you are zeroed in on that one goal. The good news is, you can have more than one board that focuses on specific goals or areas. Each board will have its own set of goals. 
  2. Fit your lifestyle. Don’t make a cookie-cutter board that just has images of generic things on a poster board if that doesn’t work for you. Also, don’t create a random board if it drives you crazy when you look at it because you like things neat and organized. Remember, a vision board is personal to you and you need to make it work for you. 
  3. The verses or images have to motivate you. They should get you fired up and hungry for the goal and speak to you spiritually. If you have an image of a beautiful woman, for instance, that supposed to represent a healthy body, but all it does is show you a beautiful woman, then you need to find a different image to help you attain your health goals. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
  4. It must be visible – every day. It should also inspire you to achieve the goal. Take the time to pray and confess the goals into existence... 
  5. Include simple confessions. Then read them aloud every time you walk by your vision board. Some examples are:
    1. I am the head and not the tail.
    2. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. 
    3. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. 

A successful vision board begins with the goal in mind. It doesn’t matter whether your spiritual goal is a deeper relationship with God, or a personal goal like getting in shape to run a marathon. The vision board you create needs to be specific, exciting and fit your lifestyle. 

What goal do you have that’s exciting and makes you want to work towards it every day?

Blessings to you and yours.