Where Can You Find Freedom?

Where Can You Find Freedom?

The work of God is not like the work we know here on earth. Our context of work is centered on providing for ourselves. It is tied to wages and output of services or products. The work of God is about how we live our lives. It is what shines brightly to others in our time here on earth. How are we choosing to carry ourselves in actions, thoughts and words? This is the sign of God’s work in our lives and our work for Him. We are told to “let nothing move [us].” Throwing ourselves completely into living the way He has called us to is the ultimate work we must get busy doing. These works are not paid in monetary wages, but are a sign of gratitude to our Father in Heaven who has given us eternal life. All that we do to love one another, show kindness, act in humility and respect each other as children of God will never be a waste of time. Quite the contrary, it is the work that brings others to our Father and gives eternal life so many more.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

‭‭1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

Our good works expound upon the work God started and Jesus continued. We are an extension of Him. His power is endless and we have access to it freely, all the time. The power we have access to is what frees us from sin and death. Sin no longer defines us. It also no longer has to control us. We have access to the power of God, which can break the ties that have held us captive. Death is no longer the last say on anything. Death is not the end and thus not something we need fear. When we walk with Christ, life is what we are given. It is what we come to know and trust. This is how our power is derived from God. We believe in our freedom over the realities of this world. We are able to live outside of the confines of what we see. We find freedom to live beyond what the world tells us we can.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A Story of Choosing Freedom:

Worry and fear used to rule my life. Especially when it came to money. I used to pay bills and then with what was left I would divide that by the number of days we had until we got paid again. This would be the amount we were allowed to spend each day.

Doing things this way never got us ahead. It actually made me feel overwhelmed and more worried. Mostly because it felt like I was always running a tab in my head. If we went over the daily allowance I had to subtract from the coming day. If we didn’t go over I could roll that money over, but then something completely out of left field would happen and it didn’t matter how much money was rolled over it was never enough.

When I finally chose to do things God’s way, which was to trust that He would provide for us, my whole world changed. I made a conscious effort to not run the tab anymore. I would pay bills, but not do all the math and crunch all the numbers. We would just live, not radically, but not obsessively. Finally letting this go allowed me to release worry and fear. This also led me to start tithing. The abundance we now have in life can only be explained because of God. I thank God for the freedom I have from money worries and fear each and every day.

- Anonymous

Strengthen the Christian Planner Family by sharing your experiences. We'd love to hear a story about God's work in your life. Use the form linked below to submit your story.

Considerations for your planner:

  • Write down how you define work. Does it align with God’s vision of work for you?
  • How are you tapping into freedom today? Write down how you are living beyond what the world defines as life through the power of God.

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