What We Can Do in the Midst of Change

What We Can Do in the Midst of Change

In the midst of change it is our job to do as God has instructed us. His words are clear. He wants us to rejoice always, pray continually and give thanks in ALL our circumstances. In this way we are “delighting in the Lord” and “He will grant the desires of our hearts.” (Reference Psalm 37:4) Change does not have to be difficult or scary. It can be just like any day that we live with Christ. A time to rejoice, pray and give thanks. Surely when we do this all will be well. God is always working everything for our good. (Reference Romans 8:28) Let us trust and have faith without buts as we move through seasons of change, because we know that God is taking care of us. We can do our part by doing as the scripture says.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • Write this scripture out as a reminder of what you can do today, as a reminder to trust in God and let go of stress, angst and worry.

A Prayer for Our Community:

God, Thank You for taking care of us. We want to trust with our whole hearts and minds that no matter what our circumstances are that You are in control. Help us to remember this and relinquish our control. Through Your ways we will have peace and not have to live with worry or stress. We pray that Your promises for our lives permeate our daily living so that we can live as You have instructed us to. Amen.

- Anonymous

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