Life Ebbs and Flows; Hope is Sustaining

Life Ebbs and Flows; Hope is Sustaining

It is always nice to have someone concerned about us. It shows they care and can make us feel special. Being thought of can make us feel hopeful that we are not going at life alone. However, we cannot become consumed with wanting others to have concern for us. Nor can we be overly concerned for others. Walking with God each day helps us to find contentment in any circumstance we find ourselves in. Learning to live in the ebb and flow of life is how we can find everlasting hopefulness. When we do not depend on each day to provide us with the source of our purpose, direction and joy; we are able to live contently in whatever comes our way. Engineering our days to be the same day in and day out can feel good for only so long. The mundane nature of it will eventually wane. Likewise, living in constant flux can be jarring and leave us reeling for forward progress. Whether we are hungry or well fed, living with plenty or in want, God can be our source of contentment. He wants to be that source. He is the only source that will carry us through, even when others may share in our troubles.

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.

Philippians 4:10-14 NIV

Just like finding hope in others to have concern for us or hope for others in having concern for them, waiting can feel like a constant ebb and flow. This is why it is so important to have a habit, a practice and relationship with our Father in Heaven. He is the one that provides all the clear perspectives for our past experiences, current situations and future hopes and dreams. Taking the time to write down what He speaks to us is powerful. It helps us to stand firm in His promises and never lose hope. We need our stance to be firm with His promises, because the waiting can feel long at times. However, God never fails. He never lets us down. His promises always come to pass. We never need to question if we should have hope. Hope is what can sustain us through the waiting.

Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 NIV

A Story of Contentment in the Ebb and Flow of Life:

I wanted to die. They thought I was dead. Recovering from that and a breast cancer diagnosis in 2019, I finally learned to be still. I just cannot express the immense gratefulness for God's faithfulness, grace and steadfast love. I am just humbled. HE is the ultimate healer and if you just simply give it all to him, He truly will "provide your every need and give you more than you ever asked. In HIS own time and by His Will."

4 years ago, I was in a car wreck. Which was no accident. It was a remote area in Texarkana,Texas and God sent an Angel (game warden) to find me. I do not remember anything. I was told all of this later. I was taken to CHRISTUS ER and airlifted to UAMS Little Rock, Arkansas, where I stayed for 28 days and one 1/2 week REHAB at Baptist Health LR. Then I moved in with my parents over the 2017 holidays, using a walker and I was in a body brace and boot. I did my own rehab and was eventually released to go back to work. 5 months later, I walked back into work and some of my co-workers at the time didn't even know I had been in a wreck. They could not even see the scar under my eye.

After 16 years of being an Administrative Assistant at that hospital in Texarkana through a contracted agency, my job was changed. I was promised more money and an exciting new role. It was too good to be true. My blood pressure sky-rocketed my nails and hair were thinning, so I went to a nurse practitioner, who I now call a friend. She ran lab work, everything was good, then she asked when my last mammogram was. Yes, after two mammograms and a biopsy, I was diagnosed with Her2neg breast cancer. I ended up having surgery two times in 10 days in my hometown. I also had 18 radiation treatments, all while working that job. No chemo, no spreading to the lymph nodes and I quit that job a week before Covid.

Through God's grace and will I have found a job working for a mission at a Resale Shop who was voted best in our town and we are able to help so many people. I also have volunteered for a new Foundation that Supports breast cancer and childhood cancer survivors. We are having our First Annual Walk/Race next Saturday. God provided in His own time and through His Will, not mine.

- Keri Davis Young

Strengthen the Christian Planner Family by sharing your experiences. We'd love to hear a story about God's work in your life. Use the form linked below to submit your story.

Considerations for your planner:

  • Write down what you are hoping for today. Have you also written down the promises God has made to you?
  • Write down how your day feels today, ie. mundane or in constant flux. How can you look to God for contentment today?

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