God Gives Us Peace

God Gives Us Peace

Trusting in God to put our lives together is how we receive peace. Getting a sound night’s rest just might be the definition of peace. We need sleep to function in all the things we do. When we do not get good sleep we do not fare well the next day. Usually, everything feels discombobulated and out of sorts. A bad night's rest can come from a number of things. Most of all the things that keep us from good sleep are worry, fear, and anxiety. When we lay down to sleep we want to dwell in the safety of the Lord, so that our rest is peaceful and full. The Lord wants us to begin from a solid foundation. That foundation is rest and peace. From this we can do all the things He has called us to.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8 NIV

Peace is the ability to rest in the midst of anything. The technical definition is, “freedom from disturbance; tranquility.” God’s presence is always with us. We have to recognize it and allow ourselves to trust in it. This is the hard part. Most often we wander about in our day looking to all the tangible things for guidance and direction. We would do much better in our day to pause and recognize the presence of God. Coming to recognize the presence of God requires us to know God. We only become aware of things around us when we make it a point to notice them. We can grow our awareness through feeling and the knowledge that is provided by the Bible and other spiritual sources, not just by sight. If we want rest and peace throughout our days, we must come to know His presence and receive it.

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • How do you sleep? Write down the ways in which you do or can dwell in the Lord prior to each night's rest.
  • Do you sense God’s presence throughout your day? Write down ways you sense Him and remember that when your day may take a turn away from peace.

A Story of Awareness:

Becoming more aware of God in my life has helped me shift everything. I am more aware than ever of when my peace is disturbed. Having this knowledge helps me draw near to Him in moments of distress.

I am grateful for this recognition in my life, as I am able to be more calm in all the things I do. I used to be on edge all the time. It never took much for me to lose my temper or really talk down to someone when I felt like I wasn’t being heard. I lived in worry and I thought rest was unnecessary or even a sign of laziness.

Once I got a taste of peace from God in my life, I knew I had to keep getting more. It has been a better way to live. I feel like a better human. I am more joyful everyday. I always get the sleep I need and am able to function well. Life does not feel chaotic or without direction anymore. I stay in conversation and thus recognition of God all day long.

- Anonymous

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