God Can Do Anything

God Can Do Anything

As we move into the new year let this story remind us that God can do anything. When we believe it, there are no if’s with God. We must surrender our earthly thoughts and beliefs to try to comprehend all that God can do. He can do miracles. He can do anything we can think of and beyond what we can imagine. The best part about God being able to do anything that we believe for is that He will help us to remove doubts in our lives and believe for greater. He doesn’t want us to be limited in our beliefs. When we go to Him, He wants us to surrender our all unbelief and trust in Him to do as we have asked. We can have confidence in Him. Let us ask for His help to rid us of earthly doubt and believe for greater than we ever have before this year.

Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

‭‭Mark 9:21-24 NIV

When we are feeling doubt we can be reminded of how great our God is in His word. He made the heavens and earth. Nothing is too hard for Him. This is why we can have belief beyond this world. What the world tells us is possible and impossible does not apply when we believe in God. Our belief in Him tells us that nothing is impossible. Why would we ever allow ourselves to believe otherwise? The world is strong and our flesh pulls at our minds. We must live in His word and not this world to stand firmly in all He can and will do when we believe for it. We can have unlimited belief for all that we desire by having faith and confidence that He can do anything.

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.

Jeremiah 32:17 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • What are you believing for this year? Write it down.
  • What doubts do you have about what you are believing for? Write them down and ask God to help you overcome your unbelief.

A Story of God Showing Up in Unbelief:

Several years ago, I learned that God loves me. Sure, I'd been told that at church and home all my life, but I actually LIVED my life. Those people saying that had not. I saw the hatred my mother had for me. I knew the pain of being overlooked and laughed at. In my mind, Jesus only loved to laugh AT me, and He was NOT on my side.

I experienced many heartbreaks and disappointments in my 20s and well into my 30s, although I was a Christian. I resented it when seemingly happy people smiled at my pain and told me that Jesus loved me. One day, my husband was arrested and taken to jail, was held there for almost 30 days, and then disappeared. No one knew where he was for a week! He had been extradited to another state, but the van driver had a heart attack on the way.

In this dark time, when I had already been suffering immensely, I heard 'Good Good Father' on the radio. I'd sung this before at church, in praise of the One True God! But when I pulled over and broke down in tears that morning, it wasn't because I felt pity for myself. I was in awe, because at THAT MOMENT, I realized that God WAS for me. He DID love me, and He ALWAYS HAS and ALWAYS WILL love me with an unparalleled and unending love! I can't explain it, but I KNOW it, and you can, too!

- Anonymous

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