Contentment Cannot be Found in Money

Contentment Cannot be Found in Money

The love of money can be consuming. Many of our cultures are rooted in money and consumption. All we have to do is look at the traditions we keep to see where our priorities are when it comes to money.

However, do we consult God where our money is concerned? Do we seek to use our money the way He has intended it to be used? Money comes and goes, but God always remains.

We are able to begin to rid ourselves from the love of money when we first recognize that all the money we do have is God’s. Knowing that He will never leave or forsake us is what brings us contentment. Money can never be this reliable.

The enemy wants us distracted by all the demands in our lives that require money. While God wants us to rest and trust in Him to provide for our lives. When we do this we are consumed by contentment.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • What do you look to for contentment? Write them down. Is one of them money? Begin today inviting God into all the areas of your life that you rely on for contentment.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Father, Thank You for Your provision. Help us to look up to You more so that we do not become or stay dependent on ourselves. Help us to know that our money is Yours and not our own. We want to lean into the knowledge that You will never leave or forsake us. In this way we will be able to live our lives free from the love of money as a means of provision and it will simply flow through us as we carry out Your plan for our lives. Amen.

- Anonymous

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